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Tom Brown MBE Celebration

The entire Boghall organisation is both pleased and proud to announce that, after a long wait, we’re looking forward to putting on an event to celebrate a great honour that was given to one of our own over two years ago.

Our former leading drummer, present teacher, mentor and legend, Drum Major Tom Brown, was afforded the great honour of being awarded with a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) in early 2020 for his lifetime commitment to the playing, teaching and advancement in pipe band percussion. Tom’s one of very few people involved in pipe bands to have been acknowledged in such a prestigious way.

With the easing of restrictions, the band now feels that time is right to mark Tom’s achievement and have arranged for an evening event in the Fairway Hotel, Bathgate from 7pm on Friday 27th May and wish to invite past and present band members along to come together in order to celebrate such a richly deserved accolade.

Knowing Tom, as we all do, it will be a pretty casual affair and the plan is for folks to drop by and mix with fellow Boghall members, old and new, share a few stories and relax in what we all hope will be a great night for a great bloke.


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